
The Big STEM Challenge
The Big STEM Challenge is an inter-schools competition to engage children and young people in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). There are three age categories – Primary, Secondary and 16+. Children and young people can enter their projects as individuals or groups.
Closing date for entries: 24 th April 2023
Entry requirements
We want to see all your projects as long as they are about Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths (STEM). They can be projects you have done at school, at home, science club the choice is yours.
To enter all we need to know is:
- What you did
- How you did it
- What you learnt
You can include pictures or short videos but you don’t have to.
All finalists will be invited to a science fare event at the amazing Discovery Park where they will have a stand to show their great work and the chance to win Primary Big STEM Champion 2023!
Secondary and 16+
Finalists are invited to Discovery Park to present their projects to a “Dragon’s Den” panel of experts for the chance to be named Secondary and 16+ BIG STEM Challenge winner 2023.
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Young Cooks
Young people are annually invited to take part in the South East’s Young Cooks cookery competition with the winners receiving a share of £500!
Some finalists will be selected to cook at a Showcase Lunch at The Dog in Wingham and may have the opportunity to attend a master class with an award winning chef.
Not just a cooking competition but a way for children to develop an understanding of the importance of food and nutrition.
This programme is a way for your school to encourage children to try new things and develop a basic life skill and, for some, a future career choice. We aren’t just looking for the next Master Chef, we want all children to understand that being healthy and cooking is something they can all do!
Closing date for entries: 28th February 2023
Entry requirements:
Your entry should consist of two dishes as detailed below.
You have an overall budget of £10 to prepare your dishes for four people. You have a time limit of 2 hours in which to prepare both dishes and clear away.
A shepherd / cottage pie (Vegetarian acceptable)
A sponge sandwich cake with your choice of fillings / flavours
A savoury pie of your choice including the pastry
A gluten free cake or dessert
A main course of your choice
A dessert of your choice
All entries must supply:
- A list of your ingredients
- The method you used to prepare your dish
- A breakdown of the cost of preparing your dish.
- A photo of each dish you have prepared
Finalists are invited to East Kent College Broadstairs to prepare their dishes where the overall Young Cooks 2023 Champion will be selected.
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Tell us about your heroes
The Kent and Medway Charity Team, in collaboration with KCC and the Reconnect Programme, is excited to give children and young people across Kent the opportunity to tell us about their heroes.
Over the past two years we have seen HEROES come in all shapes and sizes and we want you to tell us about your HERO! Your HERO could be your Mum, Dad, Brother, Sister or someone from your local community or even someone famous from where you live. They can be real or fictional and could even be a superhero – it’s up to you! Your entry can be:
- A short story
- A poem
- A short play
- An essay
- A comic
- Or even a sound recording
It really is up to you. The ONLY thing you have to remember is that there needs to be a Hero at the centre of your entry but ALL entries MUST be a maximum of 500 words and completely your own individual and original work!
There will be three Kent Big Writing Challenge Champions selected from our district winners! All of our winners will be invited to an exclusive awards ceremony where they will be awarded:
- A framed certificate
- A celebratory book containing all the winning entries.
- Overall Kent Champions will receive a specially designed glass trophy.
- KCC will be funding a trip for the classes of the three overall winners.
Watch this space to enter for 2023!
In collaboration with

2022 finalists awards event at held Canterbury Cathedral on 30 August 2022
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Contact us
Medway House, Ginsbury Close. Sir Thomas Longley
Road. Medway City Est. Rochester. ME2 4DU
01227 475966
© KM Charity Team 2022 | Registered charity no.1105834